Cicely Mary Barker ~ Blackie and Son, 1926
I received this guest post from Ireland a while back, but only this morning did I fully read it and man-oh-man am I sorry now that I gifted my Flower Fairy books to a friend with girls. The Flower Fairies were some of my favorite books as a child, and now I'm going to have to see if my mother will send along the originals. Perhaps there might have one last chance with my son before he is lost forever to boyish things.
Please welcome Lucy Mitchell, as she shares a book memory and reminds us - girl AND boy - that we were all young once...
“I’ll show you my favourite guy.”
My six-year-old was tucked in on my left, browsing through something while listening to me reading The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmes. Much as I love bedtime stories, I was rushing. My husband was waiting downstairs with a tub of ice cream and the second series of The Wire on box set.

His favourite guy was the Herb Robert Fairy.
I have four sons, and they are wonderful. However, one (tiny, unimportant) downside for me is that I have had to accept that they will probably never read Rumer Godden's Miss Happiness and Miss Flower. Noel Streatfield's shoe books don’t feature on their bookshelves. It’s okay, I’m over it, we have Nicholas and Emil and Ira and Homer Price. Still, when I saw what he was reading, I was very happy.

Anyway, prior to this, the Flower Fairies had come with Sue, my mother-in-law, from her family home in London when she met and married my father-in-law in 1966. Before that it came from her previous home in Egypt, where she lived until she was eight. The label from Isis Books in Zamalek is still on the inside cover. Zamalek was a district of Cairo on an island on the Nile. There it was purchased by Sue’s parents for her Aunt Marion who wanted to give her something special for her eighth birthday.

Flower Fairies of the Summer is well read, the spine long gone, the cover worn at the corners, having been studied and enjoyed many times.
Both by little girls and little boys.

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Own it, love it and HAPPY FAIRY DAY! (this weekend) -- Lovely post :)
Cicely Mary Barker's illustrations are so beautiful. How wonderful to see a little boy enjoying them, too.
If you ever find yourselves in Ann Arbor, MI, check out the extensive collection of fairy doors, villages and stores throughout the city (http://urban-fairies.com/).
I went to a bed and breakfast once where the proprietor had cut the pages out and framed them throughout the house.
What a great post! That seems like a neat book. Here is another mention about the flower fairies on Dinotopia creator, James Gurney's blog: http://gurneyjourney.blogspot.com/2010/12/imagining-flower-fairies.html
I love the Flower Fairies too! My shiny new copy needs to get off the shelf a little more. I suppose the lesson I have leaned here is that there is something sad about a children's book that has never been held in a child's sticky hand. I need to take a deep breath and let the kids at my pristine children's books... before it is too late!
The cartoon book for baby , it is a one kind of blog for there improvement. Blog is just about enjoying writing and reading about books
Found this page as I was preparing a thank you note for my English teacher who will retire this week. She gave me a Flower Fairy book when I graduated 23 years ago. Love it, and yes, love that it is about wild flowers.
I am currently working on opening a bookstore, will sell these for sure and will continue to follow your blog for more tips.
Kind regards, Hester in The Netherlands
Lovely book,beautiful poems and artwork
Flower fairies looks like a good design for christening dress or for flower girl dress. Their innocent look suits those types of dress.
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