This was the last year I could get the amazing Miss Anastasia from our local independent, The Twig to come to my son's birthday party without it being totally preposterous. Even still, though most of the boys loved it (my son and his BFF included), some of the boys have obviously already outgrown the joys of being read to. It was sad to see that they are at that age when they are starting to move on from childhood things, but that's life I guess.
Can you really ever outgrow the magic of hearing The Day the Cow Sneezed? I hope not!
Anyways, I'll keep reading to my son even if the rest of the boys are leaving Neverland.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program...
(And, oh yeah... there won't be a give this week, but last week's give goes to Jonathan. E-mail me at webe(at)soon(dot)com with your shipping info. And remember, only one more day to order the limited edition VKBMKLs T-shirt!)
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I'm actually reading the original Barrie play of Peter Pan right now, and was interested to find that he refers to it as The Never Land, two words with the article always included. That's not really important vis-a-vis your post, but it's one of those lit facts I currently feel compelled to tell everyone.
We had a spontaneous book reading at my two year old's birthday party last year ... we had a bunny theme so a neighbor picked up one of of the many bunny books I had decorated with and proceeded to read Peter Rabbit to everyone. And everyone ... adults, little children and big children ... stopped to listen. It was magical! Here's to more reading at parties!
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