Polly Berrien Berends ~ Otto van Eersel ~ L.W. Singer, 1969
Thursday. Isn't it truly the spiritual "hump day"? Soooooo, I'll make this short. I love the internet. Every day I turn my computer on and creativity and life spill out. Music. Illustration. Inspiration. It makes me so happy to be a teeny tiny part of it. Brilliant. Every single one of you.
That said, here's the original edition of a book that has since been illustrated by the talented Brad Sneed. Similar in theme to the 1949 classic The Box with Red Wheels, it focuses on the idea of animals celebrating the joy of a newborn child. In rhyme. Sweetness and light. Love.

"I heard," said the bird.
"I heard..."
"What?" asked all the animals.
"What did you hear?"
"I heard," said the bird, "that there's a NEW ONE coming."
Soon the barnyard was bustling with the news.
Everyone began asking,
"What is the NEW ONE going to be?"
The new one. Ha! Bright and shiny...

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Isn't she the author of "I Can't Said the Ant"?
"I Can't Said the Ant" is Polly Cameron.
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