This part of Texas finally got a rain. A whole weekend full of it. Rejoice. More importantly with chilly weather on the way, can't you just smell Halloween around the corner? Well, you all remember my little animal loving son, right? You might also recall his awesome Fawkes the Phoenix costume from last year. Yes? No? I have a pledge to myself to always hand-make the boy's costume, and for a while there it looked like he was going Ewok this year, which would have been awesome and easy to pull off. But now, much to my dismay, he wants to be Boba Fett. I can put together the body part of the costume without a problem, but the bounty hunter's helmet.... well, that's another story.
My husband claims that he can a helmet from scratch, but just as a backup plan I'm putting this out there. Anyone have a hand-me-down Boba Fett mask they are willing to trade for books? I am dead serious about this. Email me... webe(at)soon(dot)com.
But, anywho, that's enough about me. How about you guys? Up for grabs this Great Monday Give is a good paperback of the book about the little naked boy censors love to hate, Sendak's In the Night Kitchen. Anyone wanting to take this puppy home should comment on this post between now and September 25 at 11:59 PM. A winner will be selected at random and anounced the following morning.
And with an all-time low comment count, the winner of last week's give is Anne. E-mail me your contact info, and I will get the book to you before the US Postal Service shuts its doors. Promise.
Read along on Facebook, tumblr, Twitter, and Etsy!
An all-time favorite. :o)
I can't believe I don't actually have a copy of this!
Well you know I love this book! To help comment #'s I'll leave a comment even though I already have the book! If I win, I can always give it to a friend :) Happy Monday! Come see me and leave a comment! tee hee :)
I think my son would love this book. It's been on my wish list for ages.
Who doesn't like Maurice Sendak? I have many of his books but not this one. I would certainly love to win.
A banned book? It would be welcome in our house!
Oooooooohhhh!! I love Maurice Sendak!!
I love all the Sendak's books, but this tittle remember me other favourite, Little Nemo in Slumberland...ohh, its delicious!
Have a happy week.
Maurice Sendak + banned book = awesome!
Love love love this book. My little one is always saying 'Im not the milk and the milk's not me I"M MIKEY'
oh man. that picture of beans when he was so tiny....
Greedy...no not precisely--I have a person in mind who must have this book. Good luck to me and she, and, of course, to thee.
I love Sendak and would be tickled to win a copy of this book
A beloved book in our household!
I'd love to share this with my little godson and his brother!
I can't say that I have heard of him!! Where have I been hiding? Thanks for waking me up, I'm off to do some Sendak research :D
Perhaps last week's entries were low because many of us have (and love) the giveaway book already. This one, I don't. The closest we've gotten to this book is the animated Scholastic video version.
We'd love this. Thanks for the chance.
Love this book! It's time to read this one to my grandson and granddaughter
That looks like a neat book. Love the illustration. We enjoyed the rain this past weekend too. We definitely more than needed it!
I would love In the Night Kitchen! Please enter me in this giveaway.
i just wanna say i really appreciate your blog - you can leave me out of the book drawing contest. just stumbled upon it hunting for an image of Jack Kent's Fat Cat: A Danish Folktale (a book i requested for nightly read-aloud over and over as a child).
funny coincidence...i just uploaded a video to youtube's banned books week channel - a reading of In the Night Kitchen http://www.youtube.com/user/BannedBooksWeek#p/a/f/2/6zEvyQk2CBo
anyway. small web world.
I can't believe I've never read this!
sarahjunie at gmail dot com
I absolutely love this author and would love to win.
I've never seen this book before, but would love to put it in my classroom for my students to read!
I love this book! Sendak has a new book out now, too.
Also, here is a tutorial for how to make a Boba Fett mask. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-cardboard-costume-helmet/
urchiken at gmail dot com
My preschool class would love a copy of this book!
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