One of two long-lost books I searched for from my own childhood, I get e-mails all the time about this spooky, old hag of a book. My original post was in 2008, and now seems as good a time as any to give you an update. I was gonna think of some clever April Fool's way to do the post, but at 5:45, my brain's not wide enough awake yet for fools. So, yes, welcome
The Old Black Witch! with all new scans and tricky fun (sans any April 1st tricky treats). Enjoy!
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I love Old Black Witch with a passion. You see, a favorite recipe came from the back of one of the series and it is a family tradition: http://retro-food.com/2007/10/11/old-witch-cake/
This was one of my favorite books as a child. I even dressed up as Old Black Witch one Halloween. I was thrilled to find out there are two more books. I've already purchased both! Thanks so much for this post.
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