Monday, February 28, 2011
The Great Monday Give: Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present

Friday, February 25, 2011
Update Friday: Never Talk to Strangers

For instance, Never Talk to Strangers. Dig it. So full of awesome. Sooooo on this sunny Friday morning, enjoy a sorta new post with all new scans. Happy Friday!
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Sheep of the Lal Bagh

David Mark ~ Lionel Kalish ~ Parents' Magazine Press, 1967
Sorry for not making it in yesterday. The theatrical version of If You Give a Pig a Party and 18 kindergarteners called. Recently, one of my dear friends laughingly called me judgy. Now I know she was ribbing me in that way only good friends can, but it still made me think. I have an opinion about pretty much everything. Often my opinions are very knee jerk and sometimes even uneducated, based on preconceived notions that have little basis in reality. Something my mother said a long time ago. Or an article I read where someone thought something else was stupid. Memories I have of thinking something was cheesy when I was five. Case in point, this book. I've had this book in my possession more than a handful of times. Always passing it along or selling it... judging it poorly by the cover for some unknown reason. Maybe I didn't like the colors or the curves. Or the sheep. Or the fact that it has a name I can not pronounce. For whatever reason, I'd never cracked it open. Not even once.

Star date, the 1960s, somewhere in India.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Pavo and the Princess

Evaline Ness ~ Charles Scribner's Sons ~ 1964
Ex-wife of the infamous prohibition agent, Eliot Ness, and an all around bad ass, Evaline Ness' books always surprise me. Her tight, minimal wood cuts are usually paired with stories that have some dark, sadness of childhood element, giving them a hint of gloomy in a two-color world. Super cool. Any book with a peacock as a main character is going to shine in this house, but beyond that, we have a story of a spoiled princess with cruelty in her heart who refuses to show weakness by crying.


Sam, Bangs & Moonshine
Some of the Days of Everett Anderson
Fierce the Lion
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Monday, February 21, 2011
Martha the Movie Mouse

Arnold Lobel ~ Harper & Row, 1966
In honor of the Oscars this week, I'm trotting out an old favorite by the fabulous Lobel. During a recent reread, I was struck that this book is in rhyme, and I can't remember if any of his other books are. Yes? No? Either way, it's delightful to hear a bounce to accompany those perfect ink drawings.
Always a pleasure...

Inside the theater life was sweet,
For Martha watched with great delight
A double feature every night.
She dined three times a day or more
On popcorn from the theater floor.

Really, beyond swellicious. Two paws up.

The Terrible Tiger
Red Tag Comes Back
Oscar Otter
The Star Thief
Mouse Tales
Prince Bertram the Bad
Benny's Animals
Miss Suzy
Terry and the Caterpillars
The Strange Disappearance of Arthur Cluck
Ice Cream Cone Coot
The Secret Three
Great Monday Give: Otto Extended

See you in two shakes of a lamb's tail.
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Friday, February 18, 2011
Update Friday: The Tyger Voyage

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Thursday, February 17, 2011
A Birthday Book

I don't have the wherewithal to do much today, except feature a belated holiday image from a childhood fave.
Love is the warm nest from which Happiness is hatched.
A Birthday Book
Joan Walsh Anglund ~ Determined Productions, 1975
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Piggy Bank Gonzales

Jack Kent ~ Parents' Magazine Press, 1978
The boy and I live in San Antonio, the seventh largest city in the United States. I bet ya'll didn't know that, did you? It certainly doesn't pop to mind when you think about big metropolitan centers in the U.S., but it's up there. What makes San Antonio, and Texas, particularly unique is its proximity to Mexico. The population here is largely Hispanic and has been, like, forever. The two cultures are pretty much one and the same (as in the food term, Tex-Mex). I'd be hard pressed to think of a family here that isn't mixed in some way making for a wonderfully multicultural place to live. So when personal fave and fellow San Antonian, Jack Kent, dedicated this book para mis amigos mejicanos, he meant it.

Funny that a Canadian would be the one to gift this to me. Friends at every border...

Jack Kent's Twelve Days of Christmas
I Was Walking Down the Road
The Grown-Up Day
The Fox and the Crow
The Biggest Shadow in the Zoo
The Animobile Book
Jack Kent's Book of Nursery Tales
Dooly and the Snortsnoot
Mr. Meebles
Cindy Lou and the Witch's Dog
The Blah
Jack Kent's Valentine Sticker Book
The Bremen-town Musicians
Round Robin
Just Only John
Fly Away Home
Fat Cat
Socks for Supper
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
John Patrick Norman McHennessy — the boy who was always late

John Burningham ~ Crown, 1987
Been feeling the Burningham love around these parts of late, not to mention contemplating all the teachers that are getting ready to come down the pipe. With first grade a half year away, the looming idea of most teachers being great and some not so great is ever present, and one of my worst fears as a parent. What if he gets a teacher who doesn't get and/or like him? What if they think he's a daydreamer and a space cadet rather than an artist and a beautiful mind? How scr*wed will we be?

"John Patrick Norman McHennessy, you are late and where is your other glove?"
"I am late, Sir, because on the way a crocodile came out of a drain and got hold of my satchel, and would only let go when I threw my glove, which he ate.
"There are no crocodiles living in drains around here. You are to stay late and write out 300 times, 'I must not tell lies about crocodiles and I must not lose my glove.'"

Ah yes, the rub. After a run in with a lion and a tidal wave, the teacher becomes hopping mad at John, but soon sees the error of his ways when the outlandish tables are turned. Fabulous! Burningham always at his best.

Cannonball Simp
The Snow
gackern bähen
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Monday, February 14, 2011
Great Monday Give: Otto

I am giving this book away today, not because it's a vintage children's book (1999 is still eight years shy) but because it is written by one of my favorite vintage authors (Tomi Ungerer) and the folks at Phaidon (who are reprinting Tomi's children's books) sent it to me and we already have a copy so I'm sharing. If you child is anything like mine, he'll sob buckets on the first read of Otto: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear. A kid-friendly story about the holocaust (really?), it's a testament to the power of love and childhood friendship, all written in the voice of one extraordinary teddy bear. To be entered to win this brand new book, all you have to do is comment on this post before February 27 - Sunday - at 11:59 PM. A winner will be selected the next day and announced here... like this...
The winner of last week's give of Who Took the Farmer's Hat? is gesbaby. E-mail me at webe(at)soon(dot)com with your info and I'll hook you up.
More sooner rather than later. Yay Monday!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Update Friday: The Terrible Troll-Bird
I'm still knee-deep in sinus drainage, so until next week, have a good one kids.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Giant Golden Book of Birds

by Robert Porter Allen
designed and illustrated by Arthur Singer
Golden Press, 1962
I'm posting this morning on a book I probably should have highlighted a while ago considering it's prominently displayed in my banner. Those who read this blog regularly know that from the time my son was about 2 and a half, he's been obsessively preoccupied with all things feathered. This love has been unwavering. Never for a moment has it flickered. Other dalliances have come and gone, but for more three years, if you ask him what his favorite thing is, he will tell you. Birds.

And cry over, of course.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Oxygen Keeps You Alive

Dr. Franklyn M. Branley ~ Don Madden
This Is a Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science Book
Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1971
I could wax poetic for a million years over the awesomeness of vintage "This Is a Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science Books". Still in print in updated and often re-illustrated versions, the new editions hold a world of important and vital info for kids, but nothing beats the old school charm of the originals. (See Don Madden's A Drop of Blood -- original versus the reprint and Is There Life In Outer Space? -- original versus the reprint.) The original series was illustrated by a ton of great old timers, and each volume is a delight for the eyes as well as the mind. Regardless, I buy them old, new, whatever... they are that cool and chock-full of basic scientific facts.
For now, let's focus on a favorite all about that stuff we inhale.

Is There Life in Outer Space?
The Daddy Book
One Kitten for Kim
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