Monday, November 29, 2010

Great Holiday Give Grab Bag 'O Fun

I'm back (barely) today with news of lots of good things.... for one, the last Great Monday Give of the year will be a Great Holiday Give... namely a great, big grab box of fun.... I'll be giving you hints as to what will be in the give box over the next week or so, but just know that it will be at least ten titles of awesomeness (and probably more) of new vintage, well-loved vintage and otherwise. To be entered to win this box 'o fun, simply comment on this post before 11:59 PM on Sunday, December 12. A winner will be selected the next day and announced ASAP.

Tomorrow I'll be back with a holiday-themed review, but in the meantime, check out an interview I did with Books For Your Kids, the blog of the awesome Tanya, a book-loving momma and bookseller who is passing the love along, one post at a time. Her site is a great resource for children's books new and old, so be sure and have a look.

Be aware, too, that I'm extending the $3 flat rate shipping in the Etsy shop for at least another week. I thought I'd have more things up by now, but alas, Thanksgiving swallowed me alive. Also, if you are planning on shopping at Amazon this Cyber Monday or anytime in the future, be sure and click to it through my site (here or through the ads in the sidebar) and a small portion of anything you purchase (books, electronics, toys, etc.) will go to VKBMKLs to be used for buying more books for further review!

Until tomorrow, check out these reviews of holidays past...

An Edwardian Christmas by John Goodall

Grandpa's Witched-Up Christmas by James Flora

Christmas in the Country by Retta Worcester

Christmas Eve at the Mellops by Tomi Ungerer

How Six Found Christmas by Trina Schart Hyman


Read along on Facebook, tumblr, Twitter and Etsy!


AmyB said...

Awesome! Thanks for the Monday giveaways. It's always nice to have a shot at some books for the little one.

Celeste said...

Thanks so much for offering this--what fun!

ChristyJan said...

I would L-O-V-E to be entered to win your Holiday Grab Bag 'O Fun!

john & catherine said...

Sounds wonderful--we would love to win! Looking forward to the upcoming posts.

Leslie said...

You know . . . I can't remember exactly how I stumbled on your blog (months ago), but I'm so glad I did! Some many of the books you've featured were faves of mine as a kid! (Especially anything James Flora!) Always something fun & nostalgic! :-) Thanks for the chance at the give away!

Lise said...

Oh, what a treat! Thanks for the chance! You've already given me a grab bag o' fun just by recommending so many great books that are now a part of my library!

Jennette said...

My mind is telling me I don't need a grab bag of books, but my heart is saying, "Yes you do!" I'm going with my heart.

TheKate said...

I just received our books from your Etsy shop and am eager to add a few more to our shelves. Thanks!

Linda P. said...

Holiday...Celebrate...I hum 80's pop in hopes of winning the Holiday Give Grab Bag O' Fun. Everything is crossed over here

nopinkhere said...

Found you from Tanya's blog. Guess it was just in time, huh?

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

S-W-E-E-T! I adore your blog! Thanks for the chance to win!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Antmusic said...

Yay! Another giveaway! PLEEEEEAASSSSSE enter me into this awesome looking box of surprises. I recognize some of those illustrators above, and I HOPE that some of those will be in the box for whoever (me?) gets it.

Ali said...

Yes, please. Hope your holiday was fantastic and that you enjoyed Harry Potter.

Jennifer said...

looking forward to reading your upcoming post. I would love to win these books for my daughters.


katie said...

What a fun idea! My daughter would love some new books. Hope your holidays are swell.

Nan said...

Hymen's comments about motherhood & art were a direct hit.

Some fun for you:
My House is Made of Graham Bread,
Except the Ceiling's Made of White;
Of Angel Cake I make my Bed -
I eat my Pillow Every Night.
-Gelett Burgess

Juniper Sage said...

This could make my holiday!

aly said...

I love a good grab bag!

Danielle S said...

Looking forward to the upcoming posts!

ans said...

I would love the grab bag! I was a regular reader of your blog until life caught up with me this past June, and now I have just finished catching up on all the posts I missed. I had a great time :) I have also _finally_ gotten smart and quit trying to rememebr the authors you feature here and am making a list to take to the library. I am *so* tired of reading really awful children's books to my 3yo. Anyway, thanks :)

Emily said...

I found your blog a few months ago (shortly after I began my own), and I've enjoyed your recommendations. Some I'm quite familiar with, and others have been difficult for me to get my hands on. That's why I'm eagerly waiting the announcement of your grab bag winner!

Anonymous said...

A christmas box of vintage goodness count me in!

FairiesNest said...

I adore Christmas's something of an obbsession..please do include me! :)

wmmahaney said...

Looking forward to your upcoming posts. I love your site, and all the great books you highlight. I would love these for my boys.

Jessica said...

Your blog is so wonderful and your giveaways so generous. Merry Christmas!

Jennifer Gregory Miller said...

Please enter me! Thanks for your give-away!

KT said...

"a great, big grab box of fun" and "at least ten titles of awesomeness"? Count me in! How fantastic!

Maryam said...

How exciting!

Dawn D. Lion said...

enter me please, thanks!

GinaChick said...

Ohhh, would love to win a holiday grab bag of fun! Thanks!

Caryn said...

Crossing my fingers for this holiday treat. Would love to share some "new" finds with my nieces this Christmas! Thanks and happy holidays!

daysease said...

OH!! I have missed on tons of fun, and been out of commission myself for the last... two months. Would love to have a chance at the grab bag. Would be a wonderfully exciting thing for my 5 kidlets. Hope you are well!!! Blessings!!

noa said...

grab bag grab bag please be mine! thank you x

Kimberly said...

Wow! What a terrific chance to win an assortment of fun books. Whether I win or not, I'll be giving my kids some books that you've recommended for Christmas this year.

Femi Ford said...

how generous! loving your blog!

Rachel said...

Awesome! Thanks, and Happy Holidays!

Cecily said...

Wow, what a generous gift! I'd love to have my name in the hat for the Grab Bag o'Fun. :)

Claire said...

A box full of surprise books sounds like so much fun! thanks for the offer, and yes, please!

vigilceo said...

Oooo....I've got to try for this!

Anne said...

Oooh, pick me please! You always feature the best books. Thank you so much for your reviews and the giveaways!

Cory said...

Thank you for keeping up with the blog! It's always a treat to come here and see what's "new"!

Unknown said...

Just got a small shipment of books form the etsy shop. All Great! Thanks and good luck to all in this giveaway.

xtimmyx said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win some books!

Emilie Keim said...

I love your blog and the books you post, they're beautiful!

Vincent Desjardins said...

Thanks for all of the work that you put into this blog. I have a blog of my own and I know how much time can go into a posting. You always feature such wonderful books, you've turned me on to quite a few I didn't know about!

karichuckroryskylar said...

Love your blog. Here's my entry! ;)

Angelica said...

What a thrill! Happy holidays, and thank you for a wonderful year of blogging!

Lesley said...

Oooh! I love this idea, how fun!!

Lesley said...

oooh! I love this idea, so much fun!!

Karinya said...

Thanks for the entry! I won a giveaway here in .. 09, I think? Anyway, it was great, and I'm still thankful for it!

Caryn said...

Hooray for holidays! Not sure how you'll pick the winner this time, but since I've won one before a while back, I'm entering on the chance that I can win a bag of books for my precious nieces for Christmas without breaking our bank. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Entering to win!

Conrad H. said...

Almost forgot to post a comment. Can't wait to see what you are giving away, one way or the other...

Amy said...

Ooh la la! Grab bags are so fun . . . looking forward to the hints.

Sistahgirl said...

Love you blog and Children's books. Please sign me up for the giveaway. Thanks!

Nohemí said...

I wanna participate!! All your books are so awesome, I love them!!

Unknown said...

thank you for your great giveaways. this one is particularly exciting! crossing fingers and toes!

spamwayglobal said...

Thanks for doing these giveaways. I love the added fun of making the selections a mystery.

Sarah said...

I just found your blog today...and love it! thanks for the giveaway too.

Amanda said...

Love your blog. Would love to win a grab bag, but really, the treasure is in your posts.

Have a great Holiday.

ShinyBrite said...

I love your site and hope I win your grab bag!

Sarah Reed said...

I have been reading your site for about a year now and absolutely love it!

Bridget R. Wilson said...

I've just discovered your site & love it. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

Storied Cities said...

A great giveaway! I love your blog.

Betty said...

I'm so glad I just found your site. I can see I have a lot of posts to go through. Thanks for this giveaway.

arm said...

I love your blog - thanks for the chance to win!

therese said...

We are so lucky to live some place that there are give-aways, and even luckier when it's a book! or OMG a bag full!!!! Enter us in the drawing please! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to share these books with the children in my classroom!

ALH said...

Sounds great! Just found your blog and really enjoy it!

susanjsteward said...

I want to win, I want to win! Sounds great!

Leanne said...

Love your blog!

Pececito arcoiris said...

Sounds great!!! Your blog is delicious!

Jennifer said...

I always enjoy your posts; they bring back a lot of good memories.

kperantie said...

What a great deal! And whata great blog! Every day is something cool! Thanks for the chance to win!

Nancy Kelly said...

Merry Christmas! Great blog - I'm really enjoying it!

stephanie said...

I give in...last year's was so much fun!

yellowdoggrl said...

I've been enjoying your blog as I start stocking the library for our son who will be born in February... I'd saved my own books for years and years, but unfortunately they were stored on the first floor of our New Orleans home when Katrina flooded the levees. So I'm starting over, and have had some great reminders and suggestions from your blog! Thanks!

Vivi said...

What a perfect xmas package!!

Christine said...

Oooh, I'm behind on the blogs I follow and I hope I'm getting my name in under the wire! : )
I love all things Christmas, especially in book form.
Happy holidays!

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