The Laughing Dragon
Kenneth Mahood ~ Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970Enjoying the last few days of summer, so no thoughts from the Peanut Gallery this morning, therefore.... The Emperor of Japan was about to eat his morning egg when suddenly... out jumped a little smiling dragon.
He seemed very friendly, so the Emperor decided to call him Hojo and keep him as the Imperial Pet. Hojo soon became a great favorite with everyone by making himself useful around the palace. He made delicious soups, had a very light hand with pastry, and the Emperor loved his pancakes. In addition he was always gay and cheerful, could sing, play chess, enjoy a joke, and his hot breath kept the palace warm, which was a great comfort to the Emperor who suffered from cold feet.
Which is great, yeah, except every time Hojo laughed, he shot out a scorching hot flame. And Hojo laughed alot. When Hojo almost burns the palace down, he is exiled... until he meets a wise old turtle named George who teaches him the ancient art of self-control. Fabulous illustrations and a cute story that really comes in handy around here for one over-excited bird lover I know. Oops. There's the Peanut Gallery. Nuts.

Such breezy, magical art!
This looks like everything from my brother's imagination as a child. awesome. what a find!
One of my favorite books from my youth! I still have it and read it to my children when they were young. But then again, that's what this website is for!
Ooh, I love those illustrations! So bright and colorful without being garish and overwhelming. Wonderful!
I blogged the giveaway I received from you here:
Thanks again!!
Loved this book as a kid. Was at a second hand store in Irving Texas with my wife and mom when I was telling my wife about this book. As usual I was looking for golden books. I fund this book in front row of books. Darnedest thing. Now all of m kids know the book by heart. Larry
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