Jeannette Caines ~ pictures by Pat Cummings
Harper & Row, 1982
After being sent on a mission to seek out vintage African American children's authors, I made my way to the library this morning and found plenty. Now, I can safely say this book will NOT be a vintage kids' book my kid loves for no other reason than it is about girls, but when has that stopped me before? What I do know is this book makes me wish a) I'd had a girl, b) my aunt was still alive and c) I could hug my mom right now. Except for the fact that both the author and illustrator are African American (as are the characters), the story is basically colorblind. It's the tale of a drive and day with the wonderful Aunt Martha as told by her niece.

What follows is like my dream day. As a young girl from the south, driving from South Carolina to North Carolina was always my favorite thing to do. I remember a time my mother and I took that drive in the summer of 1986... we stopped on a back road and found a chained gate that said "Private Property... Columbia Pictures". We looked at each other... thinking "No, it couldn't be!", and my mother (being the badass that she is) helped me jump the fence. Sure enough, we found ourselves on the abandoned lot where Spielberg filmed The Color Purple. It was all there... the house... and down the road was the church and the juke joint. It's still my mother's favorite movie, and I remember standing out in the sun with her there as she cried and cried.

This is one of those books I read as a child, technically forgot about, but then the moment I saw it years later the story and illustrations flashed in my head before I could even turn the first page! I love, love, love this book!!
I'd forgotten how much I loved this book too - must go find a copy!
I spent all night literally hours searching for this book. This is one i definitely want to keep around. I'm 27 yrs old and I still remember this book. My aunt read this to me all the time. It was OUR book!
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