Margaret Wise Brown ~ Garth Williams ~ Golden Press, 1956
Staying home with a sick child for a few days does have its advantages. Somehow we've managed to trash my son's room playing games and running humidifiers, and in the process, we unleashed a bunch of oldies but goodies from the back of the bookshelf. This was one of my son's favorite books when he was a baby. His first few years were spent loving a Little Golden Book version I'd bought him, but my childhood Big Little Golden Book was returned to us when I spent that summer plundering my mother's attic. Though its spine is flaking and the cover has seen better days, I can still imagine my infant hands shuffling through the pages and delighting in the sounds of spring the same way my son did just a few years ago. Giving it the blog love is a long time coming.
In the Spring a bunny
came down the road.
He was going to find
a home of his own.
A home for a bunny,
A home of his own,
Under a rock,
Under a stone,
Under a log,
Or under the ground.
Where would a bunny find a home?
Our bunny asks around, looking to the trees, the water and on land for a place to call home.
Wait Til the Moon is Full
Do You Know What I'll Do?
The Sky Was BlueThe Rabbit's Wedding
The Quiet Noisy Book
On Christmas Eve
Christmas in the Barn
The Dead Bird
Little Chicken
The Little Island
The Friendly Book
Little Fir Family
The Sailor Dog
Margaret Wise Brown in just one of my absolute all time favourites! and teamed with Garth Williams?! gorgeous, gorgeous book!
Thank you so much for this wonderful selection. We are adopting and this seems like such a perfect book for an adopted child who has recently come home.
I've never heard of this one, but love both Brown and Williams. Classic talent. We'll be checking this out from the library as we wish for warm spring days.
This was my fave book as a kid (before I could read) I had the words memorized when my Mom would read it to me). I even found a brand new copy so that I can read it to my kid (whenever that happens).
This was my fave book as a kid (before I could read) I had the words memorized when my Mom would read it to me). I even found a brand new copy so that I can read it to my kid (whenever that happens).
I've never heard of this one, but love both Brown and Williams. Classic talent. We'll be checking this out from the library as we wish for warm spring days.
My kids love this story!Thanks for sharing these wonderful collection of books!
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