Lore Segal ~ pictures by Harriet Pincus
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1970
There's more than a little R. Crumb in these drawings, evoking a wonderful Lower East Side kind of New York vibe in both the architecture and the slight whimsical grump in the character's faces. Tell me a "Mitzi" refers to stories told by a mother about a little girl of the same name who is full of independence and spunk.

All three stories are delightfully pointless, staying otherworldly while exuding a somber everydayness. Reminds me alot of Uri Shulvitz's One Monday Morning. I love these sorts of illustrations... the dark, tight lines and bright colors. Perfect for this cold winter day.

I love this book, and your description - "delightfully pointless". This was one of my kids' very favorites!
hello! just discovered your site through a blogger friend. charming! thank you for sharing all these lovely books and stories. kenza
I had forgotten all about this book...but I loved it as a child! This is a wonderful blog - I added it to my Google Reader subscriptions immediately!
My kids loved this book! I remembered it as a child in school, so when I happened across a copy while pregnant with my second child, I wasted not a second in buying it! Having used cloth diapers and rubber pants on my children all through their babyhood, my kids related to Mitzi, changing her baby brothers diapers and rubber pants in the crib!
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