Saturday, December 5, 2009

Curious Pages

Was thrifting today and came across a first edition copy of the Tomi Ungerer book I Am Papa Snap and These Are my Favorite No Such Stories (for .49 cents, thank you!) Excited, I came home to learn more and was totally psyched when I Googled it only to find that the illustrators Lane Smith and Bob Shea have started a blog called Curious Pages: Recommended Inappropriate Books for Kids, which I can tell you is gonna be my new favorite blog. Check it out. Brilliant.


  1. Adding it to my reader, because I probably don't have enough book temptation yet. :-)

  2. That site had the version of I Know an Old Lady that I grew up with! GREAT STUFF! Thanks!

  3. I worked on PAPA SNAP as a back-up editor to Ursula Nordstrom on it, and it was wonderful to see it again.
