That said, the winner of our Easter-in-winter give of The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes is Linda. Now I must admit, usually the winner is selected using my patented blind scroll and point method, but this time it was the comment that got me.
I belong to a group called Ready Readers of St. Louis. We read to at-risk kids in Head Start Programs in the inner city, ages 3-5. Most new books are irrelevant to them. They don't know any farm animals or what noises they make; never saw Knuffle Bunny's laundromat, and wouldn't give a mouse a cookie, if they had one, which they usually don't. But the vintage books work for them. Their lives are still back there where it takes courage to deal with an ogre - probably on a daily basis. My great quest is for my own Tall Book of Make Believe, now painfully expensive, but until I find one I will continue to follow your blog for ideas to read to my 40 favorite kids who have never had a book, and some have never turned a page. Thanks for providing a resource I really treasure.
Linda, send me an e-mail at webe(at)soon(dot)com with your mailing info and I'll send this book out to you asap... along with a few other goodies for your 40 favorite kids. Have a great one!
We love Mike Mulligan and our copy is falling apart from all the love and attention it has received over the years. Would love a new copy to share with my younger son.
I love the comment from last week's winner!
And, don't enter me in this week's contest, please, because we have our own copy-I just wanted to comment here and tell your readers that they should want this book. It's FANTASTIC. A great give! My son loves it, and so do I! Ms. Burton is one of our favorite authors. And steam shovels always remind us of Mary Ann now!
Jonathan's mom
same for me. i already "won" our much loved copy of this book. thank you so much scribbler for picking last week's winner...what a great inspiration and motivation for what you do! both you and the winner. man. good feelings.
Good feelings, indeed.
Mike Mulligan has become a recent friend here, now that my littles just turned three and sit through Burton-length picture books a bit more readily. We're still relying on our library copy, though, so we'd love one of our own.
I would love to have a copy to give to a friend who very much enjoyed Mike Mulligan as a child.
I love Mike Mulligan, in fact when I had my youngest I was given some framed copies of the artwork to hang on his walls. We also have MaryAnne on the shelf in his room. Would love to win this to pass on to a friend.
I would love to win a copy of this book for my grandson. I know he would enjoy it!
I would love to win a copy of this book because I am doing a degree in Illustration and love reading any kind of childrens book!
My husband loves this book. Would love to win. :)
:) I would love to curl up in bed tonight with a small stack of books. But on to homework. . . Would love to win this!
No need for the contest entry for me, either. I just wanted to say how great this book is (I've written about it here) and to also recommend Virginia Lee Burton's other books, especially The Little House, but also Katy and the Big Snow and Maybelle the Cable Car.
Great write ups Daughter #3!
Mike Mulligan...goodness my son, Michael, LOVED this story!
I love this book, and my brother stole (STOLE!) the copy we had as kids.
You know--I'm not sure if my girls have ever read this! We've read other Burton books, but not the best one. How did that happen??
Never read this one - it looks like it'd be a great addition to our library!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
We posted about the giveaway at Winning Readings: http://winningreadings.blogspot.com/2009/11/mike-mulligan.html
Haven't seen this one in years! I'd love to have a copy of this for my library collectioN!
I remember having this book as a child :)
I would luv to have this "classic" for my girl's bookshelf as well!
Thanks for an Awesome Giveaway!
This book is great....I remember reading it to my oldest when he was little over 20 years ago. I would love to share with my youngest now :)
My mom read this story to me all the time growing up! I miss it!
Haven't read this, but it sounds great. We'd be delighted to have a copy.
this book brings back many memories-would love to win a copy
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