John S. Goodall ~ Atheneum, 1975
Another wonderful half page flip book from John S. Goodall. Mine is a '98 reprint of the original, but it didn't lose any of the WOW power I remember from childhood. Again, our heroes are mice and the action finds them wandering into a strange castle only to be locked in by a mysterious rat. Drawn to pass through spooky room after spooky room, the pair finally escape and get revenge on their red tormentor. The story is told without words on full and half pages that turn to reveal hidden action within. I included a few of the sequences here.
I loved these books when I was little. Their pages offered such excitement and grace. Their delicate English creatures always intriqued me, and I never tired of mulling them over, breathless and excited with each page turn. My son feels the same way, all these years later. How cool is that?

The Sleeping Beauty
An Edwardian Christmas
I drool! I Drool! Me wanty for my kids!
ah how exciting! we have one similar to this, about a picnic, with kittens. it was mine when i was little and now my son loves it because we can make up a different story each time (because theres no words)
I read the review of Village School book from same author John S. Goodall it was pretty cool and very interesting. I like the characters of this books Miss Read and her lovable group of children, who are just as likely to lose themselves as their mittens. 18 line drawings.It's specialized for children books.
love, love, love wordless books.
john goddall's edwardardian ones are great too
my daughter loved creepy castle and the odd slightly scary ones- do you know grey lady and the strawberry snatcher or wolves in the walls?
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