Monday, April 6, 2009

Great Monday Give: The Country Bunny

Hello one and all. Today is the day VKBMKLs gives away a vintage kids' book to one lucky reader... usually this little contest runs for a week but seeing as I'm going on vacation, we're gonna run it for two weeks, OK?

To celebrate the upcoming holiday, the giveaway is a nice, vintage paperback copy of last year's Easter pick, The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes. All you have to do to be entered to win this wonderful ditty is leave a comment on this post before midnight ~ Sunday, April 19. A winner will be selected and posted the following day, then we start all over again, got it?

The winner of last week's give, the incredible Space Witch? Brimful Curiosities. Email me at webe(at)soon(dot)come and I'll try and get it in the mail before I blast off. That's it for now... As you were.


Lauren said...

I'm the first commenter! Hooray! I would love to win. I love vintage childrens books and would totally save it for my kids in the wayy future!

Julie Schindler said...

This book was a favorite of mine that our Director at Carden School always read to us each spring. I was so happy to see it on your website! My own six children are not so well-trained, but it reminded me of my friend whose children truly are this wonderful. Right now she is in treatment for cancer and her lovely family is taking care of her and her home. I was hoping to share the book with them. I think they could use a pair of little gold shoes to help in this long journey back to health!

Ali said...

Another one we'd love for our at home library!

AmyB said...

We'd love to add this one to our collection!

Katheryn said...

I would love to win. This is a great book!

Unknown said...

This book is so fantastic! The artwork is amazing.

So glad that this is a giveaway!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

Oh! I remember this one!

Brooke said...

This post brought back some memories. Nice.

mj said...

Oh, my 5-year-old would love this. She loves bunnies. A couple weeks ago she told me she wants to be a bunny trainer when she grows up. :)

Sparkleneely said...

I LOVE this book. I don't need to win because I still have my copy from when I was a little girl, but I was just so thrilled to see it I had to comment on your wonderful taste! :)

aly said...

I loved this book as a kid and keep meaning to buy a copy!

Apothecary Fox said...

my most favourite book of my childhood. so beautifully done...

Amy said...

This book always makes me want to cry. Happy Easter!

Alice Doyal said...

My Mom read this to us every Spring. I would love this book to read to my sweet children and include it in our spring tradition!

Julie said...

I wanted to win this until I read Julie Schindler's comment just now. I don't know her (honest!) but what a heartbreaking post. I hope she wins -- please take my name out of the running.

Anonymous said...

I love this excersize in nostalgia... I can't believe I ever forgot some of these books.

heather said...

Awesome Book. I just love how you have all of these great book and share them with us.

Swati said...

I haven't read this before, but it looked enticing, so I thought I'd join in :)

anna said...

Oh, I remember this beautiful book when I was little. I have not seen it since then. A warm memory. Thank you for showing it!

Cecily said...

I'm a real sucker for anything with or about rabbits. This one looks especially great as a spring supplement to my classroom!

daysease said...

awww!! I would love to win it...

Megan G said...

I haven't read this one before but it looks great.

Kathy S said...

I had totally forgotten about this book! Thanks for reminding me of a tale I loved as a child!

N said...

Today my pup and I went to Voelker Park. We sat on a rock and watched birds, lizards and people. I wondered how many children's books were inspired by such simple quiet moments when great thoughts stream into our minds on quiet sunbeams.

Could The Country Bunny be one?

Thanks for your very precious blog - it is the quiet rock I visit on the Internet.

A said...

What a wonderful book! I would love a copy.

wmmahaney said...

I remember this book from when I was little. If I'm not mistaken it was in my first grade classroom library. Great story!

Tracysweetangl said...

This book looks great! The kids would love it. Thanks!

Lynn said...

I reviewed this book on my blog recently too, but we don't own a copy, so I'd love to win one. Such a great book!

DarbyDiana said...

I love the story,the illustrations are so vivid and it makes me want to join the the bunny in the country.If you like Teddie Bears,please view my,turn your audio on and watch them dance!

Janet said...

Hi, I just posted this at Twitter. (gahome2mom) I would like to enter the contest too. I found you from Brimful Curiosities Blog.

Lesley said...

What a lovely story. I love vintage children's books. Your blog brings back so many fond memories of story time:)

Chantel said...

Love this book! So sweet.

Karin said...

Would like to be entered--thank you!

Lori M. said...

I love vintage children's books. They remind me of my childhood and the love of books I had as a child. I would love to win this book.

MJDMom said...

Oh I love this book! Do I get bonus points for my first comment??

Thanks! said...

I would love a vintage copy of this fabulous vintage Easter book...!

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