Monday, April 20, 2009

Great Monday Give: Be Nice To Spiders

Welcoming myself back from a long 10 days away. Whew. That said, this week's Great Monday Give is a vintage hard copy of Be Nice To Spiders. All you have to do to be entered to win this rad, rad book is leave a comment on this post before midnight ~ Sunday, April 26. A winner will be selected and posted the following day, then we start all over again, and so on and so forth.

The winner of The Country Bunny from two weeks ago? Cecily!!! E-mail me at webe(at)soon(dot)com and I'll get the book out sooner or later. Ta ta for now.


Jen said...

ooh i remember this one from when i was a kid. nice!

nath said...

this looks sweet. iris sort of likes spiders.

Rhia said...

Oh man, this would be a terrific addition to the library! My husband is totally terrified of spiders and I need to mitigate against that!

Carey said...

I love spiders and I'm trying ton encourage that love in my boys!

Ali said...

This would be perfect for us as Abbie is afraid of spiders and I keep trying to convince her to like them...

AlliHoper said...

My husband and I both remember reading this book when we were little! I'm on a search for vintage books I used to read when I was young, so this would be a great addition!!

Unknown said...

I remember reading this book when I was a kid, too!

Jonathan said...

Oh, how I love this book! Don't enter me in, because I have a vintage copy myself that was given to me as a hand-me-down when I was a kid. My son loves it, too. Great story!!!


Lori M. said...

I loved this book as a child. I would love to win it.

Unknown said...

Harry the Dirty Dog was always my favourite as a child, as for my daughter she has a delightful habit of gently trying to touch any spider she sees...we posted a photo in January...

BonnieBelle said...

We are pro-bug at our house. I'd love to win this book!

jessamyn said...

I would love to have a book explaining why we should be nice to spiders. I always have to fight my fear of spiders every time I see one. One thing that helps is that I hate bugs and Spiders eat bugs. I guess I need a book called Be Nice To Bugs too!

porkchop said...

I loved this book when I was little, the illustrations are great!

Celeste said...

How fun. My 2yo baby girl just decided this week that she's afraid of spiders--she must have known what was coming!

Patrice said...

looks very wonderful! please enter me.

Susan Heim said...

I love vintage books. Please enter me for this one!

Paula said...

This goes well with message in our home of "we don't kill spiders, they eat the bad bugs" maybe this book will help the other parents get on the message wagon with us.

Anamaria (bookstogether) said...

Aah! One of our favorites. Thanks for the giveaway!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I've never seen this one! It looks great, especially since I had to lecture Roo today about how we didn't need to be afraid of spiders...

Priscilla said...

I always did like spiders

Jennifer said...

We'd gotten this one from the library awhile back. Cute book!

Anonymous said...

LOVE this book. It was read to me in first grade and I remember having to have it. I think my son has it tucked away in his bookshelf somewhere. You don't have to enter me...just had to say, this is a lovely memory for me!!

heather said...

I would love this book. Maybe it would get rid of my sons fears of spiders.

Swati said...

Welcome back! We missed you :)

meemah said...

Just today outside in the yard enjoying a beautiful sunny day, my 4 year old boy said to me 'Mama, I am an expert on spiders you know. They make webs that are circles and squares!' Your blog is delightful. I stumbled across it looking for more information about Umbrella by Taro Yashima. Thankyou!

mj said...

I've never read this but it looks awesome!

Chantel said...

Welcome back! We are always kind to spiders, on behalf of Charlotte. We would love to win this one!

Sarah said...

My littlest guy is currently loving spiders, too -thanks!

Jana said...

Oh, this is a good one. The memories!

Julie said...

I'm due in less than two weeks with a little bro for my two-year-old gal and have been dithering about whether to give her a present from him, so to speak. This would make a great one (from you to him to her)!

Karen said...

This one sounds vaguely familiar. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

Allie said...

I love spiders!

random side of caryn said...

I have a vague recollection of this book. Love the cover!

Claire said...

I am nice to spiders! I am nice to books!

Megan G said...

I am not nice to spiders, I probably should read this book!

Grace said...

Looks like a good one.

Brimful Curiosities said...

We certainly have plenty of spiders to be nice to around our house.

Corinne said...

I've always liked her illustrations. Harry is one of our favourites around here.

Unknown said...

I've been hunting for this one forever - if I'm the lucky one I'd be very happy to cover shipping. Thanks so much for sharing!

Amy said...

I adore the illustrations and theme of this vintage book. Thanks for entering me in the give-away.

norah said...

I remember this book! One of my favorites from my childhood!

Swati said...

Hmm, I like the idea of sharing this book with kids, and maybe grandkids too - all children need to be taught to be nice to spiders!

thedoglived said...

I would flush this book down the plughole, only kidding I would put it in a glass and set it free.

caseykelp said...

I remember the librarian reading this to us when we were younger and had library day.
Thank you for the giveaway.

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