Good Monday morning gang. I was gonna complain about 50 degree Texas weather this a.m., but that would be a slap in the face to my East Coast friends... so keep warm/cool everyone, no matter what that means in your climate. Today, for the
Great Monday Give, we celebrate what would be the 105 birthday of
Theodor Seuss Geisel, born March 2, 1904. And although I have
never reviewed this book, I think you're all familiar with it.
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish... The give is for a wonderful, almost-new, hard copy of the Beginner Book classic. To be entered to win, just leave a comment on this post before midnight ~ Sunday, March 8. The winner will be announced the next day.
That said, to celebrate this very special birthday, let's all take a Seuss book down from the shelf today and read it to our kids (or ourselves) in honor of the man that taught us all to read, to rhyme and to remember...
Today is gone. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. Every day, from here to there, funny things are everywhere.As for
last week's give,
Stop Stop will be going to
heather as soon as she e-mails me her mailing info at webe(at)soon(dot)com. Have a great one!
Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
I can not hear.
Will you please
come over near?
Will you please look in my ear?
There must be something there, I fear.
Say, look!
A bird was in your ear.
But he is out. So have no fear.
Again your ear can hear, my dear.
We read this on thursday night right before beans got his tubes!
Oh! Me! Please! I LOVE Dr. Seuss. Oh. My kid does too, of course. :)
Rhyming books are the best to read, and Seuss is of course the king. I'm building a collection for my baby girl, this would be a perfect addition!
Ah, what a fabulous b-day gift it would be for me, as my b-day is the day AFTER Seuss's :) We are starting a little collection of his books for my little guy, but we don't have this one yet...it would be perfect!
Perfect. Perfect, perfect.
This and "The Sleep Book" were my favorite Suess's. There's SO much going on in the pictures! But my copy is still good so please don't count me :)
such a great blog! keep up the good work!
what fun! enter me!
This was my favorite Seuss as a kid! Over and over and over!
My son's favorite word is "fish" so I know he would love this book to death.
We love some Suess at our house. We had the little board book of this when Pumpkin was very small, and we checked this one out from the library a few weeks ago. When she saw it, she was so excited and shouted, "We have that book at home!" I hope to amend that error.
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