Patricia Thomas ~ Wallace Tripp ~ Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1971
I have a 1971 copy of "Stand Back," Said the Elephant, "I'm Going to Sneeze!" which is great fun to read. The illustrations are all in ink, with dashes of solid colour on some pages, but they still charm. The verse is tantalizingly fast paced and pretty imaginative. It begins with a plain black and white drawing of an upright elephant apparently taking a deep breath before sneezing -

"I'm going to sneeze!
I hate to alarm you,
But I don't wish to harm you..
My friends, I fear
It's clear.....
Oh, dear,
You'd better stand back, I'm going to sneeze."
The alarmed buffalo complains, among other things,
"Your sneezes send
everyone flying along,
Bumping and thumping down pathway and trail,
Bouncing and jouncing
head over tail,
Tumbling and bumbling...."
A shocked colony of monkeys talk of the last time they were blown right out of the trees, squawking birds remember how every feather was lost, and
"... all the whales
Had peacock's tails,
And the wings of the cockatoo
Were stuck on the kangaroo."

"A lot of us
Will fall right on our bottom-us"
The elephant however, with sincere regret, is unable to hold the sneeze in any longer, and the animals are stampeding away as - well, let us just say something happens, and the elephant finds
"As I live and breathe!
I don't think I really have to sneeze."
Instead, he begins to giggle, and the giggle becomes a chortle, which enlarges into belly shaking, knee buckling, rolling on the ground laughter. And what do you suppose happens then? Exactly what everyone had been afraid of! Monkeys tumble out, stings fall, feathers fly, hair and scales come off, stripes run away, and
"...the hippo went thump
Right on his plump...you-know-what!"
It is a hilarious story, one which is meant to be read aloud to the accompaniment of much chuckling and bright-eyed anticipatory laughter.

Sir Toby Jingle's Beastly Journey