William Steig ~ Farrar Straus Giroux, 1976
As you know, we've been jamming to William Steig on audio book, and really, the more I see and hear and read, the more I love this man's edgy humor. My son (almost four now) really digs that all his stories have some level of peril. I can almost see the hair beginning to rise on the back of his neck as each story gets deeper and more involved. On the audio book, the lovely Meryl Streep reads this story, and as the CD is on constant rotation in the car, I can recite it in its entirety, complete with her specific inflections. (Don't tell the audio book makers this, but I rent audio books from the library and burn them on my Macbook, so we can listen to them again and again and ~sigh~ again.) Though I do have Shrek to thank for introducing the endearing phrases "jabbering jackass" and "I smite your stupid scabby head" into my son's vocal lexicon, but hey.
So yea, um, there's this pig named Pearl, see, and she goes for a walk in the woods one day and stumbles across a bone that can talk and sing and imitate sounds. Though this meeting might seem fortuitous when the bone helps the girl escape a gang of evil dudes, it soon turns bad when a sly fox discovers the bone and decides to take it home and cook the pig for dinner while he's at it...

Steig is a wonder with words, and The Amazing Bone contains stunning language like...
Later she sat on the ground in the forest between school and home, and spring was so bright and beautiful, the warm air touched her so tenderly, she could almost feel herself changing into a flower. Her dress felt light as petals. "I love everything," she heard herself say.
Even though the peril is there, Steig is a sucker for the happy ending, and all his stories are rife with awe and wonder. I find his drawings to be artfully crude, yet thoroughly delightful... but it is the language that brings me back. He writes assuming that children have a high level of intelligence for understanding the world, which, of course they do. Then again, he might just be trying to scare the crap out of kids, and I guess that's OK too.

Amos & Boris
Rotten Island
Yellow & Pink
The Zabajaba Jungle
Gorky Rises
Tiffky Doofky
Father Palmer's Wagon Ride
Solomon the Rusty Nail
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Just the other day the kids watched a DVD of William Steig stories and The Amazing Bone was one of the stories - first time I ever heard of it...but then again we just read Brave Irene for the first time about a month ago.
OK we liked Brave Irene a lot - but The Amazing Bone was just a bit too odd for me...a bone sitting in the living room chatting??
I love Steig's odd prose and peril filled books. I enjoyed this review.
I'm sure you know it but in case not, Steig's Rotten Island is a total delight, I love it as much as my kids...
i haven't seen that book but I just logged on and put it on hold at the library. thanks!
I enjoyed reading Sylvester and the Magic Pebble as a kid. I recently ran across Caleb and Kate which I've enjoyed as an adult. I have to read these to my son when he's waking from his nap, otherwise, he's not too interested in them yet. :) We'll have to check out Brave Irene too!
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