Marc Brown ~ Parents Magazine Press, 1980
Though Marc Brown skews slightly younger than my peer group, I know many of you will remember and love this little out-of-print tickler. My son sure adores it, and seeing that he inherited his love of the green treat from me, I have to agree... any book about pickles rocks. (Though I am crossing my fingers that the boy doesn't become a secret pickle juice drinker like myself. Straight from the bottle... don't laugh... I'm not the only one! You know who you are...)

Like pickles on a Christmas tree.
A pickle ear, a pickle nose,
Pickle hair and pickle toes.
Oh, wouldn't it be lovely? (Seriously, for every birthday I can expect a vase full of daisies and a jar full of pickles. One time I even got a vase full of pickles-on-a-stick, but I digress... ) A short, ditty of a book, every page imagines another use or misplacement of the former cucumber, each more silly than the next. (Ever fly a pickle plane through pickle snow and pickle rain?) Most famous for his Arthur series, now that I am rereading his Wiki entry, it seems our Mr. Brown hid the names of his kids in all of the Arthur books except for one. Goody! I always love a challenge, especially when it is accompanied by a pickle. Did I mention I love pickles?

How the Rabbit Stole the Moon
Why hello there.
What a sweet blog you've got here! Such a brilliant idea.
BTW, thanks for voting! xx
love love love this book! It was a favorite growing up- so I got a copy for my own kids. There is something so funny, classic and charming about cartoon pickles.
Oh my gosh!!! Thank you so much for writing this because i LOVE THIS BOOK! This is the book i first learned to read. It hold so many special memeories, laughs... i wish it were a series...
If your kid is still into pickle things, check out "The Awesome Adventures of Pickle Boy" on Amazon. My kids loved it, coul dnot put it down. And there's none of the cringe-inducing material found in so much of today's "children's" literature.
A fellow parent
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