Byrd Baylor Schweitzer ~ Garth Williams ~ Macmillan, 1963
Though this book isn't about the holidays, its theme sure makes good on the season. Told in sometime rhyme, the story is about a poor Mexican boy who wants more than anything a dog... but when his family can't afford one, the idea of taming a prairie dog begins to look really good and so our tale begins.
Very gently he whispered
The word
Was so soft
It could only be heard
By one prairie dog
And one low-flying bird...
It was half laugh, half song,
The kind of word that floats along.

Also by:
Wait Til the Moon is Full
Do You Know What I'll Do?
The Sky Was BlueThe Rabbit's Wedding
Three Bedtime Stories
The Friendly Book
Hola, just wanted to say hi and that I found a copy of Rabbit and his Friends thanks to your recommendation and am loving it! This is such a great resource.
well i also find a copy of rabbit.
great pics and lovely little blog about books!! ... I am about to start (hopefully) a 'Love letters, I love letters' tuesday on my blog. As you are inspired by fables (and my art is made from kids books) I thought you might be interested? I want cool, arty bloggers to post me a letter or postcard or something arty with words and each week i will profile them ... let me know if you are interested!!
Wow I have had this book for at least 25 years and haven't looked at it in a reallllly long time. I'll have to get it out and read it again. I forgot it was illustrated by Garth Williams. I really like his style. Thanks for reminding me of it.
Byrd Baylor should receive a commendation just for keeping Peter Parnall employed as an artist...have you seen any books he has illustrated? (I recommend The Roadrunner & The Winter Barn especially!)
Got a link to your page from my daughter's teacher! How shall I print it to take to the library? ~~~LL
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