Monday, November 3, 2008

Great Monday Give: Petunia

I hate to do it to you guys again, but I am once more out of town for a few days, so this week's Great Monday Give will extend for two weeks. That said, the book I will be giving away is a used but nice hardback, weekly reader book club edition of Petunia by Robert Duvoisin. Such a great title, and you can be entered to win by commenting on this post before midnight ~ Sunday ~ November 16... two weeks from yesterday. The winner will be announced on the 17th....

And speaking of winners.... The winner last week's give and her very own copy of The Little Tiny Rooster .... is Amber! Please e-mail me your info to webe(at)soon(dot)come, and I'll ship it out as soon as I return next week.

That said, have a great one guys.... I'll still be posting this week and next, so fear not!


  1. Oh, Petunia. Good one. Congrats on your Etsy shop, by the way!

  2. Oh dear, this used to be one of my favorite childhood books. :-)

  3. Great book!

    Hoping to check out your shop later today!

  4. Oh, Petunia--we would love this one! Thanks!

  5. Cute!! and i love that it is a hardback!! Have a nice trip!

  6. I have been looking out for this book- how fun would it be to win!

  7. That is a good one! We also love Veronica the hippo.

  8. We love books about ducks and geese and usually have to read the library copies. It would be a treat to own one!

  9. I'm off to browse the new shop . . .

  10. What a lovely illustration...I'm a sucker for anything with feathers...can't wait to check out the store

  11. I found your blog today from the Angry Chicken, and spent far too much time browsing. :-) Looking forward to spending alot more time here. We love books at our house, and always have room for one more.
