Evelyn Andreas ~ Leonard Weisgard ~ Grosset & Dunlap, 1954
What's up with us and anthologies this week? Freaky. Well, the great thing about books with multiple stories is that you can keep them by the bedside for a few nights without having to rely on rotation. (Unless you are one of those parents mired in the AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN faze, and in that case, Godspeed my friend.) Plus, there are a ton of books like this out there, and if you are cutting back on frivolous purchases... what beats buying used AND (in this case) buying 12 stories for the price of one. Sweet, right?
Here you will find the classics: The Fox and the Little Red Hen, The Ugly Duckling, Henny-Penny, The Gingerbread Boy, The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Elves and the Shoemaker, Little Red Riding hood and The Three Billy Goats Gruff... not to mention three I have never heard of ~ Drakestail, The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids and The Half-Chick. Whew. That's alotta read. All illustrated by the vintage kids' book master, Mr. Weisgard... meaning all you Generation Xers (and beyond) most certainly either had this book or at least borrowed it once from the library in your younger days.
"Who's that tramping over my bridge?" roared the Troll.
"It is I," said the big Billy Goat Gruff in a great big voice.
"I am coming to gobble you up!" said the Troll.
But the big Billy Goat Gruff had two strong horns. When the Troll came up, he lowered his head and butted the Troll right into the river. And that was the end of the Troll. So -- Snip, snap, snout, this tale's told out.
Though, honestly, that troll doesn't look too spooky to me. He bears an odd resemblance to the roly poly mayor from The Wizard of Oz... more likely to give you the key to the city than a tour through his intestinal track.

The Quiet Noisy Book
Little Chicken
The Little Island
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Treasures to See
Cynthia and the Unicorn
Sir Kevin of Devon
The Mouse and the Lion
Happy Thanksgiving!
Just wanted to let you know that I discovered your blog last week, and I've already read all the archives! I'm thrilled to find the blog of another passionate children's book lover. I have many of the books you review, and remember many more from childhood, but I'm also discovering so many new titles and authors...so exciting! Thank you so much for taking the time to scan and review all these books. What a treat to read.
Do you know about librarything.com? You might want to check it out if you haven't already...a great way to catalog all your books. Mine are here if you feel like browsing...http://www.librarything.com/profile/mcghol
Anyway, just wanted to tell you that I'm grateful for your awesome blog.
:-) Lise
Thanks Lise!
Man Lise, just checked out that site... very very cool!
Thought you might like it...great for bookaholics!
I too just discovered your blog, indirectly through a second generation link on Read Roger, and I too will read your archives. I'm a fanatical book lover and have had a delightful time rediscovering all the wonderful old Golden books, both small and large (and tiny). One of my favorite childhood treasures (I was a child in the 40s and 50s, vintage stuff then) is still with me, though I'm not at home and can't remember th exact title, but it was The (Something or other) Book of Nursery Tales, illustrated by the wonderful Tibor Gergely. I was haunted by the pictures in S"Silly Will." I too am a LibraryThinger. Best wishes, and let me know if you see an affordable copy of The Tiny Golden Library!
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