Monday, October 6, 2008

Can You Feel the Love?

Somebody (Esme!) gave me a little blog love, and though I am usually too swamped and busy with the boy to give the love back on these types of things... I thought tonight since daddy and boy are at daddy's night at school, I'd pay it forward. In case you guys were wondering.... though I link to these blogs everyday... my favorite children's blogs are these because...

1. Planet Esme... because she is a rock star.
2. We Heart Books... because they are better than your momma.
3. Meet Me At Mikes... because they are cooler than I'll ever be.
4. grainedit... because their books are hipper than my books.
5. Ward Jenkins... because I want this guy to do a kids' book.
6. Junior Society... because their banner is the coolest.
7. Design Mom... because she's one classy broad.
8. Book By Its Cover... because she spends more on books than I do.


  1. Thanks for the shout-out. We are very chuffed by such high praise, and to be in the company of such ace co-bloggers. xo

  2. Me too! I'm quite honored to be on your list. Thanks for the blog love!

  3. Thanks for the link love - much appreciated!

  4. Your wish will now come true....expect a book illustrated by me next summer!
