Monday, September 1, 2008

Great Monday Give: What Do You Say, Dear?

Happy Labor Day everyone, and while I know we have all eyes and ears on the storm, I'm tearing myself away from CNN for a moment to announce the next Great Monday Give. The giveaway book for this week is a nice, barely used, paperback copy of What Do You Say, Dear? by Maurice Sendak. All you have to do to be entered to win is comment on this post before midnight ~ Sunday, September 7. I will then randomly select a lucky winner who will receive the book free of all charge, and we will start all over again that Monday with a new book. Got it?

And now.... the moment you've all been waiting for.... the winner of last week's give... Crictor.... is....... Cygnet Small, a super cute blog about "crafty projects of mine, of yours and for kids." Cygnet, please e-mail me your mailing info at, and I will ship the book to you as soon as I can drag my butt to the post office.

That said, have a fine day and keep looking toward the sunshine.


  1. Yay, I remember this one too! I saw the Sendak exhibition at the Jewish Museum in NYC a couple of years ago and while I don't remember anything about this one in particular, he has dozens of fantastic books, most of which are also gloriously illustrated.

  2. Thanks so much! I just sent you an email. Happy Labor Day. :)

  3. Yay, love your blog!

  4. I vaguely remember this one from when I was little... I think I borrowed it from the library. I'd love to read it with my kids!

  5. I used to LOVE this book! Happy Labor Day!

  6. Sounds like a very fun book! I'd love to join in please :) Thanks!

  7. I don't think I've ever come across this book, till now. But I'd love a chance to win it - it looks/sounds great!

  8. Oh, yay--this one looks like lots of fun!

  9. I love this author and have been collecting him since I worked at Barnes and NOble years ago. I just have 5-6 books of his though, from the "This IS...." series...of course, bought brand new with the awesome discount employees receive!! Here's to hoping!
    Thanks again.

  10. I don't think I've read this one before, but who doesn't just love Maurice???
