George Bonsall
and Crosby Newell
Treasure Books, 1955
I don't usually scan the covers of books, but in this case it was the only image that would allow you to glimpse the greatness of this title. A little like those Mad Magazine end pages that folded to make an ironic scene, this antique-mall-find allows the reader to fold the page and spy what lives in the barn/dog house/bird house/zoo, etc. From a series called Treasure Books, my son is obsessed with creasing these sheets and when he spots the creature inside, he laughs and laughs...
Oh come with me,
I'll take you through ~
The magic land of PEEK-A-BOO.
The copy on the back touts... "The Treasure Book Parade: Sparkling new picture-story books for boys and girls... written by famous authors... illustrated with full color pictures on every page by the best artists." True too ~ the Bonsall and Newell team have been cracking kids up for generations. Cheap buys available online allow us all know to keep the giggles going!
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1 comment:
I've GOT to find this one - I'm so glad you shared! My son would freak out about this - he loves flap books and finding hidden things. Yet another one to add to my list of books to search for and buy...
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