Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Hey guys. It is late, and I am just back from a family vacation in New Mexico. Sorry for the failure to post today, but travel is rough.

Special thanks to the couple of blogs who posted kind words on Vintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves this week ~ ohdeedoh, Meet me At Mikes and Crafty Vegan ~ bringing a ton of new friends into the fold. (If I missed anyone, please let me know. I'm gonna start sending shout-outs to those great folks who send the love our way!)

For all who just arrived, welcome. Book suggestions are not only appreciated, but they will actually be researched extensively and probably bought and reviewed by myself shortly.

Finally, I am totally psyched to say I'll be the "Guest Momming" on one of my very favorite blogs ~ Design Mom ~ all next week. Please tune in to discover some of the method to my madness.

Thanks again for reading everybody. Expect something awesome from the shelves in the AM!

Now to pass out...


  1. Hi, I am writing from Australia and would love you to post about a couple of books I remember from my childhood - one of which might be new to you from 1966 I believe - it is called Naughty Agapanthus. The other you may already have reviewed (but I ran out of puff to look through the whole of your archive)it is The Story of Ping, which I can still hear my mother reading out loud.
    I am thoroughly enjoying your blog - and frequently have "I remember that" moments. Vintage kids books are really hard to find in Australia - I don't know if people throw them out more or if there are just fewer books around...smaller market etc. You have inspired me to look around though. I am giving some thought to more Australian titles that you may not have heard about - you will hear from me again! Sarah F

  2. I will have to keep an eye out for the NA. I believe that is an australian title never published in the US, but sometimes I run across stuff from overseas.

    Thanks for reading and see The Story About Ping here. Bye!


  3. scribbler, you are famous!!! i can't wait to check you out on design mom. i am so excited for you!!! i feel like you hit the jackpot!!!
