photographs by Milton H. Greene
Doubleday & Company, 1970
This alphabet book featuring black and white photographs of the famous deceased French mime begins...
Marcel marceau
is a sea of faces...
his body bends
an alphabet of spaces...
For each letter of the alphabet, we see him miming a word that letter begins with. A is for awakening and you see the mime stretching. E is for escape and you see the mime running away. N is for narrow and you see the mime making his body long and thin. The picture you see here is V for vanish. It's a pretty cool book that has a high collectible factor since he was so well-loved around the world. Miming seems such an innocent pastime, I don't know much about his inner life, but I'd be interested to find out. Personally, this is the sort of children's book I wouldn't mind leaving on the coffee table as it is definitely an oddity.
I love the sales copy on the cover:
In this unique alphabet book, the world's greatest pantomimist, Marcel Marceau, performs a series of miracles in "the art of silence."
I love that.
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