Brian Wildsmith ~ Franklin Watts, 1967
Today isn't the happiest of days, but I figured I should keep up. Our local Central Library here is so magical. They have a WITHDRAWN book basement where hardcover children's books are 50 cents, and it is just a dream. Drop $15 in there and you leave with a huge box full of books. It's a delight really. I picked this one up the other day. I've never seen it before, but it makes me smile.

The bird illustrations are really whimsical and sweet with explosive color. And the writing... "The words that refer to a gathering of creatures...." Definitely for those in love with words. There is one on ANIMALS too, so, more seeking to do.
It never ends does it?

A Child's Garden of Verses
Professor Noah's Spaceship
Maurice Maeterlinck's Blue Bird
Brian Wildsmith's Birds
The Hare and the Tortoise
I am SO excited to discover your site. It's absolutely wonderful!!! Thank you for doing this important work of keeping these books alive in our hearts and minds, regardless of whether they are "flavor of the month" in the publishing houses.
Great job! Great links! I will pass the word...
Thanks.. I love your site too. So much fun! Even if 80% of what we read is old stuff... we still search the library and bokstores for new gems to and your reviews are always awesome!
Wow, I can't believe you found this in the booksellar! Thankfully, they still have a copy in circulation. I loved it so much, that I ordered a copy from Amazon.
We have a copy of Brian Wildsmith's Mother Goose that was my husband's 2nd birthday gift. The illustrations are magical.
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