Margaret Bloy Graham
Harper Collins, 1967
I love looking for the less famous books of authors who are famous for one character is particular. In this case, Harry the Dirty Dog is the more known cousin of writer and illustrator Margaret Bloy Graham.
Helen went from one building to another, spinning webs, and eating up all the flies. The Zoo became a peaceful place.
A tale of conservation, motherhood and never undervaluing the little guy, it follows the life and times of Helen, a wee spider that is adandoned on the front steps of the zoo by a little boy who can't keep her anymore. She ends up becoming loathed and then loved in the short span of 30 pages and reunites with the boy at the end for a literal explosion of love.
Also by:
Harry and the Lady Next Door
I adored reading My Naughty Little Sister by Dorothy Edwards when I was small. A little outdated now, it portrays very defined gender roles, but it's endearing nonetheless!
This is one of my favorite books. I read it to my kids multiple times in the mid-eighties, and we fortunately still have a copy in our library collection for others to enjoy.
I am looking for the name of a children's book from the 80's. There was a little spider that was hidden in a different place on each page. Anybody know the name?
Charlotte's Web??
Mercer Mayer, author and illustrator of the Little Critter series, hid a cricket/grasshopper/mouse/spider in the illustrations on nearly every page.
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